Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lexi's Birthday Present

We got Lexi a 4-wheeler for her birthday. She got it tonight because we figure it is 2 more weeks longer that she gets to use she isn't old enought to realize what day she gets it on. Her and Hunter rode them around the yard tonight and were so cute!! She loved it and kept thinking she was such a big girl like her brother.
Her smile says it all!
Since Lexi is so petite she couldn't have a big one like Hunter. Her legs aren't long enough for the pedal. We found this one that is just her size and has a button on the handle bars to make it go. She can use it up to 46 lbs which will last her a couple of years she only weighs about 23 lbs if that. It goes great on the grass and she loved it tonight!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Niabi Zoo 2009

We took the kids to Niabi Zoo this weekend and they has soo much fun. Of course we go every year so for us adults it is getting a little old but we love to see their faces when they see the animals. Oh and of course we have to ride the train at the end of our trip, which I think is their favorite part!!

Our Family

Hunter and Daddy

The kids holding hands and walking.

Emma and Lexi. Lexi got the Giraffe in the shop and had to carry it out. It was almost as tall as her.

We make Lexi and Hunter pose on this same hippo every year. The hippo seems to be getting smaller so I think, Dirk said our kids are just getting bigger!

Daddy on the merry-go-round with the kids.

Me and my lil peanut

Kids in their carts

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Dancing Machines!!

This is a video of the kids dancing at the reception. They were too cute.

Wedding Reception


Caleb getting his groove on
Daddy dancing with Lexi.
Hunter and Maddie (a fellow bloggers little girl)

group of the kids
Lexi is pooped at this point.
Lexi and Addy dancing

My kids cutting a rug!!
The kids sitting very good until they could dance.

Meggan and Brad's Wedding

Hunter and Lexi were in Meggan's wedding. (along with Caleb and Addy). They did pretty good walking down the aisle but when it came to pictures they didn't do too great. I was just glad they did what they were supposed to do after we spent the money for them to be dressed up. Below are some pictures of the wedding.
Hunter and Lexi going down the aisle!! YEAH!!
another Hunter and Lexi
my lil peanut
posing in the hotel room
Lexi kissing herself in the mirror.

Addy posing for me on a stool.
The girls trying to get Lexi to take a picture. Addy was the only one to stand their nicely and get good pictures.

Morgan and Addy
Caleb, Hunter, and Addy

Hunte and Caleb, such handsome boys!!