Lexi just had her 3rd Birthday. Wow where does the time go? This year we got her a new 4-wheeler. She had a little one but had wanted a big one to keep up with Hunter. Oh and I also decided to make her Birthday cake this year, decorating and all. It didn't turn out to bad, and it tasted great!
Hunter and Daddy putting together her 4-wheeler. Hunter did a great job of keeping it a secret that she was getting it!
Hunter and Lexi were going to the backyard to ride and we had her new one around the corner. She stopped and ran to the new one! Hunter was just as excited for her as we were. Such a great big brother!
Loving her pink 4-wheeler!
Emma came over to ride with the kids. Lexi thought she was hot stuff with the only pink one.
She never stopped smiling or riding it the whole night.
Daddy talking to Lexi because she wanted to know why she didn't have a compartment to put stuff in like Hunters. Grandpa Swanson just talking to Hunter.
This is my first cake ever. It didn't turn out too bad. I did forget to go back and fix a stripe on her shirt and by the time I remembered I had already cleaned up the frosting. Also when I was doing the writing at the end my decorating bag kinda blew up so the last couple words look horrible. Next time I won't clean up until I am finished all the way.