We tried a while ago to train Lexi with the potty. We had no such luck! That girl is stuborn and will not do anything if it isn't on her own terms and timeline. This Saturday when she got up I put her in a dress (easier if she didn't have to pull down any pants) and underwear and explained to her that she needed to go potty and be a big girl. She of course gave me a skeptical look and said "ok Mommy".
She did pretty good. She would start to pee and then run to the potty. She had accidents every time but would try and stop and get on the potty, I think she couldn't tell when she had to go until she had already started. We then put a pullup on for naptime. After naptime I put underwear back on and reminded her to go potty. She came up to me later and was tooting and said her belly hurt. I told her you probably have to poo so lets go sit on it. She sat for awhile but couldn't go. I told her she could go play but if she had to go to run to the potty. 15 minutes later she is yelling for me. Hunter and I go running and she had went poop all by herself on the potty. We were so excited and Hunter, being a great big brother, told her what a great job she did.
Today I put her in a dress and underwear for Gretchen's house. I packed extras in case she had an accident but didn't want to put a pullup back on her and backtrack from our progress. Gretchen sent a text this morning saying Lexi went potty for her! She also said she didn't have any accidents so far. She had only went that one time but had been dry and was napping at that time. Well I just got another text and she was dry after nap and went potty again like a big girl!! I am so proud of her. Finally we are getting rid of pullups!!!