Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Water fight with the Baker's

Last Friday night after Bible School Ben wanted Hunter to come over to Aunt Karyn's house for a water fight.  Karyn had gotten the kids new water guns.  We went and the kids had a blast in the water!  When it came time to leave they didn't want to go.  On the way home the kids said "we don't want them to leave why can't they stay here."  They can't wait for their next visit already!!
 Lexi, Ben, Hunter, and Aubrie

 Aubrie sat in the cooler of cold water!

 Aubrie is ready to fight!

 Cousin love :)

 The girls were dancing but I don't know to what there was no music. LOL

 It looks like Hunter and Lexi are about to take out Ben.

 Emily getting a few shots in while Bryan fills up the cooler with more water.

 goofy girls :)

Vacation Bible School

The kids had a great time last week at Bible School.  They loved getting to see their cousins!  Pandamania was the these.  The whole place looked like a jungle and was very cute.  Pastor Tim was a little scary as the jungle man though. LOL

 The bible school gang (Aubrie made a funny face in every picture I took and Lexi was just not happy to have her picture taken at that moment.)

 Ben and Hunter

Aubrie, Addysen, and Lexi