This year Lexi has dealt with alot of sinus infections and coughing. She was waking up in the middle of the night gasping for air! This scared the crap out of Dirk and I. I was so worried that we wouldn't hear her so for almost a month she slept in bed with one of us and the other took the couch. The doctor diagnosed her with Asthma and she now has 2 inhalers she uses. Also the doctor ordered a CT of her sinuses and some blood work for allergies (which I think is triggering the asthma). The blood work came back with a hit for 16 allergies. They have a set number and anything over it shows as an allergy. Some are not as high as others. She tested for outdoor mold, cat dander, dust mites, timothy grass, sesame,milk, and several trees. The pediatrician said she will more than likely have to have allergy shots weekly! So off to the allergist we must go to have more allergy testing and have her asthma checked out. I am not looking forward to this visit where she will be poked several times. For right now it is inhalers and Zyrtec until we get answers.
Lexi having her CT scan |
she was such a brave girl because the machine kinda freaked her out. They also gave her a cd of her scans so she could see her "brain" as she calls it |
the CT girls gave Lexi 2 beannie animals and then off to have blood drawn we went. Aunt Erin came to support Lexi too. She brought her a bag of goodies. She made out like a bandit this day :) So proud of my brave little Peanut! |