Monday, October 20, 2008

Hunter and the potty!

Well it has been a chore to get Hunter potty trained! He hated sitting on the kiddy potty so Daddy taught him how to stand up at the big potty. He has been doing this off and on for a while now with no luck to getting him to do it without getting in/out of the shower (which the warm water was helping him go). WELL this weekend he started going to the bathroom all on his own and no accidents so far!! He even did good at daycare today! So now we are finally in big boy underwear!!! Hopefully Lexi doesn't take as long to get trained as Hunter did.

Oh and now we have a garage door on the house! We are getting closer!!

1 comment:

Abbott said...

Hello Swanson family. This is Heather Young, Beth's sister. I saw from Katie's blog that you have one as well, and I love keeping up to date on everyone from back home. These blogs are the greatest things ever, as I and Beth have ones ourselves. Keep up the posts. You have a beautiful family. And best of luck keeping Hunter dry.