Sunday, October 26, 2008

We have color and a garage door!

Below are some of the colors we have got done in the rooms so far. I will post more of the rooms with color as we get them done. We are painting them ourselves so it is not going as fast as we would like it. Only so many hours in a day...
We now have a garage door. From the outside the house looks done... until spring and we landscape the yard, and finish the porch railing, and put up more lighting.

We have the ceilings done with all coats of paint..the walls are primed for color in the kitchen, dining room, and living room area. Let me tell you with this high ceiling the sprayer we got was a big help!!
Hunter's room is an orange color. It is a little bright so we might tone it down on the next coat.

Lexi's room is a cute purple. She will love it!!

1 comment:

The Link's said...

I love your colors. Everything looks so good! I don't know what is better, pay someone to paint=$$ but faster or do it your self=less $$!! , but slower. Oh well, in the end it all gets done - right.