Saturday, March 14, 2009

Big Girl Bed

Lexi now has a big girl bed in her room too! We decided to put it up and see how she does with it tonight. Well it is now 8:53pm and she is sleeping in her crib. She is a really good sleeper (puts herself to sleep and sleeps over 8 hours) but tonight she cried and screamed she was not ready for the big girl bed yet. We are going to start with naptime and slowly get into the bed. She loves Tinerbell and thought she was hot stuff in it earlier today.
Lexi sitting in her bed.
She had to put the Tinkerbell doll in the bed too.
Lexi playing with Tinkerbell.

The Amazing Spiderbaby

Lexi decided she wanted to try on Hunter's Spiderman costume. It was the funniest thing ever.
The amazing Spiderbaby!! I feel safer already.
Now she is back to being just plain Lexi.


Daddy was doing bathtime this time and he decided to give them devil horns (which of course they are perfect little angels) so I hurried and got the camera. They are very cute devils.

Potty Time

We are having a really hard time getting Hunter potty trained on going #2 in the big potty, he will go #1 but it is getting old of cleaning up the other messes. We keep telling him he is almost 4 and his sister will be completely potty trained before him. He hates that and then tries to go. So one day when he wouldn't go I put Lexi on the potty, she had said "yes" she wanted to sit on it. Of course once she was on it she cried! She finally stopped long enough when I gave her the My Little Ponies.
Lexi finally smiling thinking she is a big girl. After she tried the potty we left the bathroom. I was looking for her because she was quite and when I took this picture she gave me the look like "oh no I've been caught". Verry funny.

Playroom Playtime

Well the playroom walls are not painted yet but they don't care they play anyway. Here are some pictures of them enjoying the playroom. It is so nice not to have this in their rooms or the living room anymore!! They make such a mess in so little time!

Hunter playing
Lexi and Emma playing with the big blocks.

Lexi and Emma playing in the ball pit. I forgot that Hunter even had this until we moved and had the room to put it back up. Lexi loves it.

Hunter pushing Lexi in the shopping cart across the playroom. She laughed the whole way.
Lexi getting caught climbing into the shopping cart by herself.