Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fathers Day at the lake

For Fathers Day we met Papa out at Oak Run for some family fishing. This was Hunter and Lexi's first fishing trip so we were very excited. They each had their own fishing pole and were very cute!
Papa helping Lexi with her fishing pole. She kept leaning and tipping out of the chair just for fun.
Papa helping Hunter reel in a fish. Hunter would touch the fish but didn't do great when Papa tried to show him how to put his finger in the mouth and hold it. He really didn't know what to think about that.

Hunter and Daddy fishing. I love this picture!

Hunter and his fishing pole

Lexi and her fishing pole

New Playset

Dirk finally got most of the playset up, we just have to get the wooden roof put together and then we are done! The kids love it. Lexi is still a little too small for most of it but she trys to keep up with her Bubba.
The playset (no it's not crooked I just took the picture crooked and didn't photoshop it yet).
He is such a monkey on this thing

He climbed the rockwall with flip-flops on in like 2 seconds!

My future gymnast! She could barely reach them and that is about all she did with them was hang onto them. She thought she was hot stuff though.

Loving the swing with her crazy hair! At one point she laid her head down and I thought she was going to fall asleep.

Hunter loving to go high in the swing! He has such a little butt we had to leave this swing on it instead of the big swing. He couldn't stay on it.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Playing on Emma's new Playset

Hunter and Lexi got a new playset for their birthdays. Daddy hasn't gotten it up yet so we went to visit Emma and play on her new one.
Lexi loved the house part.
Hunter helping Emma

again she loved the house!
Emma goes down the slide all by herself. By the end of the visit Lexi was doing a great job by herself too.

Watering the yard

We have planted trees and our garden. The kids love to help water it all!
poor cucumber plant is drowned in water. what a good helper
Lexi was a good helper too but she only wanted to put water on this one plant.


Lexi was reading her book when I checked on her in her bedroom. It was the cutest thing ever.
She loves her butterfly wings

Lexi and Mommy's first tea party.

My little peanut is getting so big.