Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rod n Gun Club picnic day

It was that time of year again for the Rod n Gun Club picnic day. We got to see Aunt Kathy for the first time after her surgery and she looked great! Dirk and Ryan were in charge of the kids games and prizes this year. They did a good job and each kid left with at least 3 different toys. After eating and games we let the kids get in the lake. Hunter and Lexi loved it and had so much fun that we went back on Monday and swam for most of the day. Mommy even got in the water with them! Enjoy some of the picture from our fun weekend at the Club.
Peanut playing with the sand.
Lexi being a big girl and jumping off of the dock!

Hunter fearless as he jumps into the water from the dock.

Hunter and Emma playing in the sand.

Grandpa took Lexi for a ride on the 4-wheeler. She loved it.

Grandpa took Hunter for a ride on the 4-wheeler.

Grandma and Lexi in the water.

Daddy and his two fish.

Aunt Erin and Lexi

Food time. See Aunt Kathy on the left. Doesn't she look great!


We went to 3 different fireworks shows this year. We had Altona Fireworks, Oak Run fireworks, and then Galva fireworks. We were very busy! I have just posted a few random photos from all of those shows.
The kids waiting for the show to start in Galva.
Lexi and Great Grandpa watching the Galva fireworks. We sat in their back yard and could see them at the park. Lexi kept telling Great Grandpa he needed to cut a tree down that was blocking some of them. She loves Blaze the dog and wanted to sit and pet him during the fireworks.

Hunter ready for the Altona fireworks to start. The blue thing on him is a bug repellent fan. He swells really bad and gets red with mosquito bites, so before we went to the fireworks he had to have several doses of Benedryl and lots of bug spray. Uncle Ryan calls the blue fan is portable bubble.

Peanut ready for the show to start.

some shots from the Altona show.

We had fun at the shows but by the 3rd one I was ready for them to be done with for the year. Hope everyone else had a great 4th of July weekend!!