Monday, July 27, 2009


We all went swimming at Grandma Rebecca's house this weekend. The kids loved it and were actually in the pool most of the time we were there. The kids were so cute when they had their sunglasses on and all their swim gear.

Everyone again minus Tina who is taking the picture..

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Shoe Shopping with the girls

This past saturday Katie and I took the girls shoe shopping in Peoria for their flower girl shoes. We finally found some at the 3rd store we went to. The girls were very good and also very cute together. When we got done getting the shoes we went to McDonalds for lunch and then let them play on the playset. It was fun. Below are some pictures I took of them playing. The quality isn't that great because I took them with my phone.
Addy and Lexi with Ronald McDonald.
Lexi kept yelling for Addy when she was in the tunnels. Addy was a better climber and went all the way to the top and down the big slide!
Lexi sliding.
Addy on the slide.